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Pictures of Roland

This is a picture of the copy of the book that I read.
This next picture is a photo of the original French epic poem.

 This picture & the next are Roland finally in a moment of defeat blowing the horn, the oliphant.

This picture is a statue of Roland that symbolizes freedom and justice it can be found in the town hall square of Riga, Latvia.
This is a picture of Roland as he lay dying on some steps conveniently placed there & smashing his horn on a pagan's head.
This is a picture of roland's horn, the famous oliphant.
This is a picture of another book.
This is a picture of the cover for an audio recording of the song of roland.
This is a picture of Roland fighting bravely in battle
here is a pirture of The Song Of Roland illumated

here is a picture of Roland's Death

All of these images came from a google search for "Pictures of The Song of Roland"

That's all for now see my next post for more info.